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Mesurer le bien-être en Belgique - Construction d’un indicateur composite pour mesurer le bien-être actuel des Belges
Het welzijn in België meten - Opbouw van een composiete indicator om het huidige welzijn van de Belgen te meten (Working Paper 02-18)

What matters to Belgians ? Analysis of the determinants of individual well-being in Belgium (Working Paper 04-17)

Health care expenditures

Description and use of the PROMES model (DC2024_WP_01)

Health care system

Description and use of the PROMES model (DC2024_WP_01)

The Belgian long-term care system (Working Paper 07-10)


How does the bottom-up HERMREG model work? A description using variants (Working Paper 02-22)

The bottom-up HERMREG model – A multiregional model of the Belgian economy (Working Paper 01-22)

Hourly productivity

L’évolution des coûts unitaires du travail en Belgique de 1996 à 2008 (Working Paper 14-10)

Hourly wage

L’évolution des coûts unitaires du travail en Belgique de 1996 à 2008 (Working Paper 14-10)

Household consumption

Analysis of the air pollution associated with household consumption in Belgium in 2014: the case of greenhouse gas emissions (Working Paper 08-19)

The PEACH2AIR database of air pollution associated with household consumption in Belgium in 2014 - Methodological description for the SUSPENS research project funded by the Federal Science Policy Office (Working Paper 03-18)

De milieudruk van de huishoudelijke consumptie in België in 2002: een sociologische analyse (Working Paper 12-10)


Consequences of the war in Ukraine : exceptional population growth in Belgium in 2022 and uncertainty in the medium term (SHORT_DP22)

Increase of 1.3 million inhabitants by 2070, compared to 1.5 million over the last 30 years. Covid does not influence this growth (Flash 002)

Household expenditure for transport: 2021 update (Working Paper 01-21)

COVID-19: geringe bevolkingsgroei in 2020 en 2021. De vergrijzing van de bevolking blijft op lange termijn aanwezig
COVID-19 : faible croissance de la population en 2020 et 2021. Le vieillissement de la population reste présent à long terme (FOR_DP20_12326)

Perspectives démographiques 2017-2070 - Population et ménages
Demografische vooruitzichten 2017-2070 - Bevolking en huishoudens (EFPOP1770)


Bon vent: setting sail for a climate neutral Belgian energy system – Future Belgian offshore wind unravelled (Working Paper 08-21)

Fuel for the future - More molecules or deep electrification of Belgium's energy system by 2050 (Working Paper 04-20)

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