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To evaluate the current state of the Belgian economy, the FPB regularly updates a series of indicators. The indicators concern the macro-economic stance of the economies of Belgium, its three neighbouring countries and the euro area, as well as the transport industry.

 Indicators : Youth unemployment rate, 3 year change

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Youth unemployment rate

% of active population aged 15-24, 3 year change in percentage points


Source: Eurostat, Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure.


Description: The youth unemployment rate is the unemployment rate of people aged 15 - 24 as a percentage of the labour force of the same age. The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the economically active population (the total number of people employed and unemployed = labour force) based on International Labour Office (ILO) definition. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who fulfil all the three following conditions: are without work during the reference week; are available to start work within the next two weeks and have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. This indicator is included in the Alert Mechanism Scoreboard with an indicative threshold of 2.0 pp.

Unit: 3 year change in percentage points

Source: Eurostat, Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure.

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