Press releases
The last five databases
To promote transparency and provide information, the Federal Planning Bureau regularly publishes the methods and results of its works. The publications are organised in different series, such as Outlooks, Working Papers and Planning Papers. Some reports can be consulted here, along with the Short Term Update newsletters that were published until 2015. You can search our publications by theme, publication type, author and year.
Reports - REP_CEIPSCOI2024_02 (fr), (nl),
The report describes and evaluates policy pursued by examining the implementation of the Federal Plan for Sustainable Development, adopted by the government in 2021. The implementation of the plan is assessed by calculating the implementation indicator of the Federal Plan 2021 and with eight case studies focusing on measures of this plan. The report also describes and assesses the existing situation.
Reports - REP_TFD02024_13017 (fr), (nl),
This report presents 78 indicators and an assessment of their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015. It provides a detailed overview of Belgium's international position and, for the first time, a breakdown by region and for different population categories such as age, gender or income. Finally, it analyses the evolution of the well-being of Belgians and its sustainability for future generations.
Reports - OPREP202401 (fr), (nl),
A debate on the indicators for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals has been organised with experts from the federal public services and with the main advisory councils. The objectives of this debate were to establish a societal consensus on this set of indicators, to improve it and to set priorities among existing indicators to be added and among new indicators to be developed. The results of the debate will be used to adapt the set of indicators over the next 3 years: the majority of indicators will be maintained, some will be removed and others added.
Other publications - SDG_12872 (fr), (nl),
On 1 October 2021, the government approved a new five-year Federal Plan for Sustainable Development. This plan is at the heart of federal sustainable development policy and this Working Paper describes the methodology for monitoring its implementation. The results are also presented here for the first time, and this exercise will be repeated every year from this spring onwards. It shows that in just one year, the public services have already reported on the implementation of more than 90% of the measures and that only 30% of the measures are not (yet) in an implementation phase.
Working Papers - Working Paper 04-23 (fr), (nl),
This report presents over eighty indicators and includes an assessment of their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015. It provides a detailed overview of Belgium's international position and of the differences between women and men. Finally, it analyses the evolution of Belgium's current well-being, among others in the context of (the end of) the Covid-19 pandemic, and its impact on the well-being of future generations and the rest of the world.
Reports - OPREP202301 (fr), (nl),
There are only eight years left to realise the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The report presents an analysis of the Federal Plan on Sustainable Development adopted in 2021. It provides a detailed overview of Belgium's current international position and the differences between women and men. Finally, it presents approaches for integrating quantitative elements into sustainable development scenarios.
Reports - Sustainable development Report 2022 (fr), (nl),
Articles - Article 012 (fr), (nl),
Other publications - IIS 02 (fr), (nl),
This publication is the new version of the report on indicators complementary to GDP, published annually from 2016 to 2021. This renewed report on sustainable development indicators presents a larger number of indicators, covering the period from 1990 to 2020, depending on the availability of the data. In addition, it includes a review of the progress of these indicators towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015. It proposes a specific analysis of the well-being of the population 'Here and now' for Belgium in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and presents the four composite indicators to measure the sustainability of well-being (dimension 'Later'). This set will be completed in the forthcoming updates by composite indicators for the third and last dimension of sustainable development 'Elsewhere'.
Reports - OPREP202201 (fr), (nl),
End April 2021, Belgium has submitted its national recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission. This report assesses the impact of this plan on economic, institutional and social resilience resilience, as well as on social and territorial cohesion. The main conclusion of this impact assessment is that the many measures of the plan should have numerous positive impacts on the SDG’s (Sustainable development goals) and thus on social cohesion and resilience. Many impacts, either positive or negative, will depend on the way such measures will be implemented.
Reports - REP_12514 (fr), (nl),
Other publications - IIS 01 (fr), (nl),
What progress has Belgium made towards sustainable development? The assessment of 51 indicators for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN shows that on current trends, few SDGs will be achieved by 2030. New policies will therefore be needed to achieve all these goals. These conclusions remain unchanged from those drawn in the ten assessments conducted since 2005.
Articles - Article 010 (fr), (nl),
Articles - Article 008 (fr), (nl),
Reports - OPREP202101 (fr), (fr), (nl), (nl),
Articles - Article 007
Reports - REP_12141 (fr),
This Working paper proposes four new composite indicators to measure the wellbeing’s sustainability by using the stock of capitals passed on to the future generations. These indicators measure the evolution of the human, social, natural and economic capital. Their analysis shows that wellbeing’s sustainability in Belgium is questioned due to the diminution of the natural capital.
Working Papers - Working Paper 02-20 (fr), (nl),
This report presents the annual update of a set of indicators complementary to GDP. These indicators cover the period from 1990 to 2018, depending on the availability of the data. The Act of 14 March 2014, which complements the Act of 21 December 1994 establishing social and diverse provisions with a set of complementary indicators to measure the quality of life, human development, social progress and the sustainability of our economy, entrusts the National Accounts Institute with the development of this set of indicators and assigns this mission to the Federal Planning Bureau.
Other publications - OPREP202001 (fr), (nl),
This Working Paper examines which socioeconomic household characteristics determine greenhouse gas emissions in Belgium. The analysis is based on the PEACH2AIR database, which links the air pollution data with consumption expenditure of Belgian households as recorded in the 2014 Household Budget Survey.
Working Papers - Working Paper 08-19 (en), (fr), (nl),
The 2019 Federal Report on Sustainable Development takes stock of 51 indicators monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): the extrapolation/continuation of current trends does not allow all the objectives to be reached. The Report assesses the current sustainable development policies. It concludes that the federal public services have achieved concrete results, despite the lack of political momentum to reach the SDGs. This Report also analyses the impact on the SDGs of different modalities for applying a carbon tax and of alternative policies to company cars.
Reports - Sustainable development Report 2019 (en), (fr), (nl),
This Working paper proposes eleven new composite indicators to measure changes in well-being for women, men, four age groups and five income categories (quintiles) in Belgium. They were constructed using a statistical analysis of the drivers of well-being specific to these population groups. These indicators are complementary to the indicator Well-being here and now that measures the average development in well-being in Belgium.
Working Papers - Working Paper 02-19 (fr), (nl),
This report presents the annual update of a set of indicators complementary to GDP. These indicators cover the period from 1990 to 2017, depending on the availability of the data. The Act of 14 March 2014, which complements the Act of 21 December 1994 establishing social and diverse provisions with a set of complementary indicators to measure the quality of life, human development, social progress and the sustainability of our economy, entrusts the National Accounts Institute with the development of this set of indicators and assigns this mission to the Federal Planning Bureau.
Other publications - OPREP201901 (fr), (nl),
The database PEACH2AIR links emissions of greenhouse and acidifying gases, of gases contributing to tropospheric ozone formation and particulate matter to consumer expenditures in Belgium in 2014. It relies on standardized air pollution data (including air emissions accounts), input-output tables and the Household Budget Survey. Analyses for 2014 show that energy products as well as food and non-alcoholic beverages are the most air polluting expenditure categories.
Working Papers - Working Paper 03-18 (en),
This Working Paper proposes an indicator to measure the development in well-being in Belgium. It was built from a statistical analysis of the determinants of well-being in Belgium. It has the advantage of being transparent, divisible and easy to communicate. The analysis shows that the well-being of Belgians generally decreased between 2005 and 2016. This decrease is mainly due to a deterioration in the health of Belgians.
Working Papers - Working Paper 02-18 (fr), (nl),