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The FPB’s studies cover 11 main themes: Energy, Environmental economic accounts and analyses, International economy, Labour market, Macroeconomic forecasts and analyses, Public finances, Sectoral accounts and analyses, Social protection, demography and prospective studies, Structural studies, Sustainable development, Transport.

Study Committee on Ageing




Minimum regulations, pension credits and the gender pension gap [30/01/2024]

This report shows that minimum regulations (minimum pensions and the minimumright per career year) and pension credits diminish pension inequality between men and women. If we assume that there are no minimum regulations, the pension gap would be 37% instead of 31%. If we assume that pension credits are not granted, the gap would be 43% instead of 31%. The pension credit part-time work with maintenance of pension rights, one specific type of pension credit, has a limited impact. Without this pension credit, the pension gap would increase with 0.4 percentage points.



Each year, the Study Committee on Ageing (established by the Act of 5 September 2001 and confirmed by the Act of 18 December 2016) draws up a report presenting an estimate of the long-term financial and social consequences of ageing.

This report serves as a basis for the annual Note on Ageing issued by the federal government. It is published in the first half of July. The Act entrusts the FPB with the secretariat of the Study Committee on Ageing. The FPB thus plays an important role in conducting the necessary assessments and preparing the annual report of the Committee. The Study Committee can, on its own initiative or at the request of the government, carry out specific studies in relation to ageing.

Methods and tools


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