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5 dernières bases de données
Pour évaluer l’état actuel de l’économie belge, le BFP met à jour régulièrement une série d’indicateurs. Ces indicateurs portent sur la situation macroéconomique des économies de la Belgique, ses trois pays limitrophes et la zone euro ainsi que le secteur des transports.
Freight transport
tonne-km and GDP, index 2000=100
Source:EUROSTAT (Transport database, NUTS distance matrix), UNECE (Statistical database) and FPB (Transport database)
Comment:For road transport, the number of countries reporting international transport from and/or to Belgium evolves over time.
Share of inland waterways and rail in freight transport, Belgium
% of total transport in tonne-km
Source:EUROSTAT (Transport database), European Commission (Statistical Pocketbook - EU Transport in figures), and FPB (Transport database)
Share of inland waterways and rail in freight transport, EU28
Source:EUROSTAT (Transport database, NUTS distance matrix), UNECE (Statistical database) and European Commission (Statistical Pocketbook - EU Transport in figures)
tonne-km, index 2000=100
Source: Road freight transport EUROSTAT (Transport database, NUTS distance matrix), UNECE (Statistical database) and European Commission (Statistical Pocketbook - EU Transport in figures) and FPB (Transport database).
Comment: For Belgium, the number of countries reporting road transport from and/or to Belgium evolves over time.