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Dans un souci de transparence et d’information, le BFP publie régulièrement les méthodes et résultats de ses travaux. Les publications sont organisées en séries, entre autres, les perspectives, les working papers et planning papers. Certains rapports peuvent également être consultés ici, de même que les bulletins du Short Term Update publiés jusqu’en 2015. Une recherche par thématique, type de publication, auteur et année vous est proposée.

Documents (1093)


  • STU 03-06 : Special Topic : Simulating the impact of the pension bonus on the financial implications of working longer 20/10/2006


    This year, the Belgian economy should register a GDP growth of 2.7%. In 2007, economic growth should slow down to 2.2%.

    In line with the international economic situation, Belgian export growth should strengthen to 5.4% this year and decrease to 4.9% in 2007. The current account surplus should hardly change. In 2006 this is due to the sharp increase in oil prices, which leads to a deterioration in the terms of trade, whereas in 2007 imports and exports should increase to the same extent, while the terms of trade stabilise.

    Domestic demand should grow at a slower pace as business investment growth weakens somewhat after last year’s substantial catching-up. This is partially compensated for by a strengthening of public expenditure and especially by private consumption. Private consumption growth should accelerate to 2.3% in 2006 and 2% in 2007 (from 1.1% in 2005), thanks to the increase in households’ real disposable income and (at least in 2006) a further drop in the household savings ratio. Domestic employment should increase by on average 41,000 units in 2006 and 45,600 units in 2007. As the number of jobs is growing faster than the labour force, the unemployment rate (large administrative definition) is expected to diminish from 14.3% in 2005 to 13.7% in 2007. Nevertheless, the harmonised Eurostat unemployment rate (based on labour force surveys) should still increase from 8.4% in 2005 to 8.6% in 2006, only to drop to 8.3% next year.

    Headline inflation, as measured by the national index of consumer prices (NICP), should amount to 1.9% in 2006 and 2007 (after 2.8% in 2005). This year, the inflation picture is blurred by the introduction of a new NICP-basket based on the household budget survey of 2004. Measured by the deflator of private consumption, which is not affected by this technical factor, inflation should only drop to 2.4% in 2006 and ease further to 1.9% in 2007. The steady decline in inflation mainly results from the moderate wage cost increase, the appreciation of the euro and the stabilisation of oil prices expected in the course of 2007.

    Séries clôturées - Short Term Update 03-06  Publication(en),

  • Fiscal councils, independent forecasts and the budgetary process: lessons from the Belgian case 06/10/2006

    This paper describes the operating mode of the two existing Belgian fiscal councils - the High Council of Finance and the National Accounts Institute - as well as their role in the budgetary planning process and emphasizes the part taken by the FPB in producing independent macroeconomic forecasts. In the context of the revised Stability and Growth Pact, lessons drawn from the Belgian experience can certainly be useful for other Member States willing to improve their fiscal institutional settings.

    Articles - Working Paper 04-06  

  • Linking household income to macro data to project poverty indicators 06/10/2006

    This paper presents the results of a micro simulation model designed to make short-term projections of poverty indicators. The unit of observation in the model is the household. In order to project the evolution of household incomes over time, we have specified a model that links the total observed household income to the evolution of a set of macro income indicators that reflect the different ‘micro’ sources of income.

    Articles - Working Paper 05-06  

  • R&D Tax incentives in Belgium 06/10/2006

    In Belgium, as well as in other European countries, the use of R&D tax incentives has become more popular in recent years. It remains, however, important to evaluate the effectiveness of those new and existing measures.

    Articles - Working Paper 06-06  

  • FPB Tools and Methods 06/10/2006

    In this paper, the tools and methods currently used at the FPB are classified in three groups: national models; international models; and other tools and methods. The listed FPB’s instruments are used to produce analyses and projections in a wide range of areas: business cycle analyses and short-term forecasting, macro-sectoral analyses and medium-term outlook, long-term projections and the issue of ageing, intersectoral relationships, international economics, labour market analyses, public finance, demographic analyses, transport economics, energy market analyses, environmental issues and sustainable development. This paper gives only a bird’s-eye view of the most important tools and methods. At the end of each instrument’s description, references to a short-list of technical papers, applications and to FPB contact addresses can be found.

    Articles - Working Paper 07-06  

  • Network industry reform in Belgium: the macroeconomic impact 06/10/2006

    Two Working Papers on the macroeconomic impact of network industry reform have been published. The first is a detailed report in Dutch, the second a summary paper in English. The analysis builds on a simulation by FPB’s macroeconometric model HERMES, and a simulation by IMF’s general equilibrium model GEM. Although both simulations were based on the same exogenous input, they gave significantly different outcomes. This sheds light on the applicability of different modelling approaches to an issue at hand.

    Articles - Working Paper 08-06 / 10-06  

  • Public spending on innovation in Sweden, Finland and Belgium 06/10/2006

    This working paper analyses public financing in two countries that have already reached the Barcelona goal (R&D expenditure on GDP at least equal to 3%), Finland and Sweden, and compares it with the situation in Belgium. This comparison covers not only the quantitative aspects but also the organisational dimension of the public support for innovation.

    Articles - Working Paper 09-06  

  • A Medium-Term Outlook for the World Economy: 2006-2012 06/10/2006

    The August 2006 issue of the NIME Outlook for the World Economy presents a 2006-2012 macroeconomic outlook for the major areas of the world. The outlook was produced using nime, the Federal Planning Bureau’s macroeconometric world model. The August 2006 issue also features a stochastic evaluation of the projection’s main results for the euro area, for the group of countries comprising Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom, for the US and for Japan.

    Articles - NIME 2006 - AUG  

  • Network Industry Reform in Belgium: Macroeconometric versus General-Equilibrium Analyses 30/09/2006

    In network industries the market reform that is being pursued by national and supranational authorities should lead to an improvement of efficiency, which spills over into a beneficial macroeconomic impact. This paper presents two alternative simulations of the potential impact in Belgium. These simulations give very different outcomes, but are still complementary. A macroeconometric approach seems to be more realistic in the short and mid term because it has been built up from observed behavioural relationships. A general-equilibrium approach gives rise to drawing some lessons about the conditions that make the impact more pronounced in the long term.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 10-06  Publication(en),

  • Long term energy and emissions'projections for Belgium with the PRIMES model 20/09/2006

    In the Royal Decree de dato December 6, 2005 (published in the Belgian Official Journal1 of December 19, 2005) the installation of a Commission Energy 2030 was officialised: the Commission is made up of a number of Belgian and foreign experts who will carefully scrutinize the energy future of Belgium on a long term horizon (2030). In order to fulfil this task, it was decided to start from a quantitative, scientific base. Because of the long expertise in modelling and analysing of long term energy projections, the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) was asked to take up the task of providing the Commission with the necessary input. This input will subsequently be studied by the Commission, as well as complemented with analyses and other activities executed in its bosom.

    This report aims at gathering the work carried out by the FPB in the above framework. The heart of the analysis of the Belgian energy outlook to 2030 is provided by a set of energy scenarios. These scenarios provide a quantitative basis for the analysis of environmental, energy and economic challenges Belgium will be faced with in the coming years. Doing so, the analysis gives a valuable input to the report the Commission Energy 2030 has to deliver to M. Verwilghen, the federal Minister of Energy.

    Autres publications - REPENERGY0601  Publication(en), Addendum(en),

  • Politique économique structurelle : l’agenda de Lisbonne 20/09/2006

    Le Planning Paper  101 « Politique économique structurelle : l’agenda de Lisbonne » a pour but d’analyser la dimension micro-économique de la stratégie de Lisbonne. Il s’attache à mettre en évidence les assises théoriques de ce pilier, l’évolution des conceptions dans la mise en œuvre de cette partie de la stratégie et de sa nécessaire coordination avec les deux autres piliers de la stratégie et les principaux résultats obtenus tant au niveau de l’Union dans son ensemble qu’au niveau belge. Pour ce faire, il détaille aussi la stratégie de Lisbonne renouvelée telle qu’elle fut adoptée par le Conseil européen de Bruxelles en mars 2005 et qui recentre l’action sur un partenariat pour la croissance et l’emploi.

    Séries clôturées - Planning Paper 101  Publication(fr), Publication(nl),

  • Outils et méthodes du Bureau fédéral du Plan 13/09/2006

    Dans ce Working Paper, les instruments utilisés au BFP sont classifiés en trois groupes : modèles nationaux, modèles internationaux et autres outils et méthodes. Les instruments décrits dans ce document sont utilisés pour produire des analyses et des projections dans un large éventail de domaines : analyses de cycles économiques et projections à court terme, analyses macrosectorielles et perspectives à moyen terme, projections à long terme et problématique du vieillissement, relations inter-sectorielles, économie internationale, analyses du marché de l’emploi, finances publiques, analyses démographiques, économie des transports, analyses du marché de l’énergie, questions environnementales et développement durable. Ce document ne donne qu’une vue d’ensemble des principaux outils et des principales méthodes. Pour plus d’informations, chaque fiche descriptive est suivie d’une liste brève de documents plus techniques et d’applications, ainsi que de l'adresse mail de contact au BFP.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 07-06  Publication(en), Publication(fr), Publication(nl),

  • The NIME Outlook for the World Economy 2006-2012 05/09/2006

    The August 2006 issue of the NIME Outlook for the World Economy presents a 2006-2012 macroeconomic projection for the major areas of the world. The outlook was produced using NIME, the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau’s macroeconometric world model. This issue features a stochastic evaluation of its world economic outlook. The major technical assumptions behind the outlook as well as a brief description of the NIME model are presented in the appendix.

    Prévisions & perspectives - NEO 02-06  Publication(en),

  • La politique climatique post-2012: analyse de scénarios de réductions d'émissions aux horizons 2020 et 2050 20/07/2006

    Cette étude fait suite à la demande du ministre fédéral de l'Environnement, M. Tobback. En août 2005, il a demandé au Bureau fédéral du Plan d'élaborer et d'analyser des scénarios de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) en Belgique aux horizons 2020 et 2050 dans le cadre de la politique climatique post-2012. Les réductions d'émission de GES doivent être compatibles avec les trajectoires de réductions proposées par l’Union européenne dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la Convention cadre sur les changements climatiques des Nations unies. Il s’agit de réductions de l’ordre de 15 à 30% d’ici 2020 et de l’ordre de 60 à 80% d’ici 2050, par rapport à 1990 pour l’ensemble des pays développés.

    Autres publications - Kyoto 2006  Publication(mix),

  • Linking household income to macro data to project poverty indicators 15/07/2006

    The Belgian Study Group on Ageing of the High Council of Finance, in its Annual Report, publishes the results of research on the budgetary and social  effects of ageing. In this context, the Federal Planning Bureau, in its capacity as secretariat and main research body of the Committee, has in recent years been stepping up its efforts to deve lop models based on socioeconomic micro data. The results of one of these models, de signed to make short-term projections of poverty indicators, are presented in this paper.

    Working Papers - Working paper 05-06  Publication(en),

  • Fiscal councils, independent forecasts and the budgetary process: lessons from the Belgian case 15/06/2006

    This paper describes the operating mode of the two existing Belgian fiscal councils as well as their role in the budgetary planning process. These institutions, created or reformed in depth in a context of large public deficits and increasing public debt-to-GDP ratios coupled with the regionalization of the Belgian state, are the result of a maturing process. The National Accounts Institute covers the positive side of the budgetary process, while the High Council of Finance deals with the normative side. Concerning the former domain, the creation of an independent institution to provide unbiased forecasts undeniably contributed to the consolidation of public finances in Belgium. In the context of the revised Stability and Growth Pact, lessons drawn from the Belgian experience can certainly be useful for other Member States willing to improve their fiscal institutional settings. Our chief recommendations for making the budgetary process successful are: institutions dealing with positive economics should enjoy a fully independent status but remain public; positive and normative issues should be completely separated from an institutional point of view; and responsibility should be shared between several strong independent institutions so as to minimize political pressure.

    Working Papers - Working paper 04-06  Publication(en),

  • Le compromis budgétaire européen de décembre 2005 / Impacts financiers pour la Belgique et les autres Etats membres 01/06/2006

    Après le compromis intervenu au Conseil européen de décembre 2005, le Parlement européen a finalement approuvé, ce 17 mai 2006, le budget européen pour les sept prochaines années (les Perspectives financières 2007-2013).

    Une publication rassemble, à l’initiative du Bureau fédéral du Plan, les analyses effectuées durant la période des négociations par des experts de la Région wallonne, de la Région flamande et du Bureau fédéral du Plan, qui ont apporté leur soutien technique aux négociateurs belges.

    Cette publication dresse le bilan des négociations communautaires sur les Perspectives financières et détaille les résultats du compromis, en examinant de près ses implications financières pour la Belgique.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 03-06  Publication(mix),

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