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Om de huidige toestand van de Belgische economie te evalueren, actualiseert het FPB regelmatig een reeks indicatoren. Die indicatoren betreffen de macro-economische situatie van de economieën van België, zijn drie buurlanden en de eurozone, alsook de transportsector.

 Indicatoren : Nominal unit labour cost index, index 2010

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Nominal unit labour cost index

2015 = 100


Source: Eurostat, Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure.


Description: the nominal unit labour cost (NULC) is defined as the ratio of total compensation of employees (D1), in millions of national currency per total number of employees in persons divided by the ratio of GDP in market prices in millions, chain-linked volumes, reference year 2005 (CLV05), at 2005 exchange rates in national currency per total number of persons employed. The change in nominal unit labour cost is the change in total compensation of employees per number of employees not covered by the change in labour productivity plus the change in share of employees in total employment. .

Source: Eurostat, Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure.

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