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Om de huidige toestand van de Belgische economie te evalueren, actualiseert het FPB regelmatig een reeks indicatoren. Die indicatoren betreffen de macro-economische situatie van de economieën van België, zijn drie buurlanden en de eurozone, alsook de transportsector.
Economic sentiment indicator
Indices, long-term average = 100
Description: The Economic Sentiment Indicator is a composite indicator made up of the components of the confidence indicators for five sectors. By summarising developments in all surveyed sectors, it aims to track overall economic activity. Fixed weights are allocated to the different sectors to compute for the computation of the composite indicator: (1) manufacturing industry: 40%, (2) services: 30%, (3) consumers: 20%, (4) construction: 5%, (5) retail trade: 5%.
Unit: Seasonally adjusted indices, long-term average = 100
Source: European Commission